WP5 – SERSing detection tools for first responders
WP6 – Project management & exploitation plan
Tomas Rindzevicius (Project coordinator)
Michael S. Schmidt
Damir Asoli
Silmeco ApS, founded in 2013, is now the world leading producer of commercial SERS substrates. Silmeco specializes in mass fabrication, process development and quality testing of SERS-active surfaces that utilize nanopillar-based structures as their core technology. Under the brand name SERStrate™, these nanostructured substrates are well-known worldwide for their superior, and reliable performance. Silmeco’s customers includes both the industrial and academic sector. SERStrate™ has been used in more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications with a wide range of applications including defence and security applications. Silmeco has an extensive customer network and routinely collaborates with academic, as well as industrial partners in bringing SERS detection based products to the market. Silmeco has years of experience within Raman spectroscopy, nanofabrication and microfluidics. Silmeco’s market leading position, experience and know-how in the SERS active materials and the subsequent applications market, Silmeco is significantly adding value to the SERSing consortium. In addition to being project coordinators of the SERSing project, Silmeco will mostly focus on fabrication of plasmonic substrates for SERS detection, development and fabrication of microfluidic SERS units for detection of chemical threats in gas and liquids.
Dr. Tomas Rindzevicius, (male), Co-Founder, CEO. Current company activities: business development, SERS application development, management, sales. Relevant experience and knowledge: Tomas has previously worked as a process development engineer at Obducat Technologies AB, is a board member and co-founder of NanoMedNorth consortium. Experience and knowledge in nanoplasmonics, SERS applications, plasmo-mechanics, molecular detection, spectroscopy and microscopy techniques, microfluidic devices. SERSing project: time dedicated to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5 and WP6. Role in the project: project coordination, end-user engagement, verification of SERSing tools and microfluidic modules for gas and liquid sensing.
Dr. Michael S. Schmidt (male), Co-Founder, COO. Current activities: SERS application development, SERS substrate fabrication, customer interface and product sales. Relevant experience and knowledge: SERS application development, molecular detection, spectroscopy techniques, microfluidic devices, electrochemically assisted SERS molecular sensing. SERSing project: dedication to WP2 and WP3. Role in the project: fabrication of SERS substrates, development and fabrication of microfluidic SERS modules, testing of SERS modules for gas/liquid molecular sensing.
Damir Asoli. Current activities: Part of the Project Management Group for SERSing project, and responsible for R&D development and fabrication of SERS substrates.
Relevant experience and knowledge: Education in M.Sc. in Engineering Physics with focus in semiconduction physics and over 14 years of process development experience in nanotechnology industry, specially with nanowire based LEDs, solar cells and transistors. Previously worked for GLO AB, Sol Voltaics AB and Alfa Laval AB.
SERSing project: time dedicated to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7. Role in the project: project coordination and R&D development of the SERS substrates.

IDUN – Technical University of Denmark
WP2 – Plasmonic substrates for SERS detection
WP3 – Microfluidic SERS units for DIM of chemical threats in gas and liquids
WP4 – Artificial intelligence for DIM of chemical threats
Anja Boisen
Giulia Zappalà
The center for Intelligent Drug delivery and sensing Using microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN) is a center of excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and the Villum Foundation. The center is divided into two parts: IDUN Drug and IDUN Sensor, focusing on drug delivery and nanomechanical sensors, respectively.
With the two main research areas in close contact at the center, IDUN explores the great synergy between sensor development and search for new pharmaceutical tools and materials. IDUN Sensor gets, through IDUN Drug, access to unique polymers and biomolecules. Through IDUN Sensor, IDUN Drug is able to characterize, among others, small volumes of materials and molecules, which are today not possible to analyze by any standard technologies. By maintaining and strengthening the coupling between sensor and material development, IDUN creates a unique international environment with high creativity across scientific borders.
IDUN is a center in the institute for health technology at the Danish Technical University (DTU Health Tech). DTU Health Tech provides technology that help you in every stage of life, both in society by impacting the health and well-being of people, and make life better before, during and after being a patient. But also by providing Danish industry with new innovation, new knowledge and new employees.
Anja Boisen is professor and head of section at department of Health Tech, Technical University of Denmark. She is heading a DNRF and Villum Centre of Excellence named ‘IDUN – Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics’. She has thorough knowledge on micromechanics and nanotechnology. Her research group focuses on development and application of micro and nano mechanical sensors and microfabricated systems for oral drug delivery. Anja has held and ERC Advanced grant & three ERC POC grants and is cofounder of companies Cantion, Silmeco, BluSense and Lightnovo. She is among others member of the board of Villum Foundation, the Leo Foundation, the Danish Academy of the Technical Sciences and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. In 2008 she was awarded the largest research prize in Denmark, the Villum Kann Rasmussen award, and in 2012 she was awarded the EliteForsk Award from the Danish ministry of Research, Innovation and Higher Education. In 2013 she received the ‘Sapere Aude – top researcher award’ from the Danish Council for Independent Research and in 2017 the Alexander Foss gold medal.
Giulia Zappalà is a PhD student at the Department of Health Tech, Technical University of Denmark. She is part of the Centre of Excellence IDUN – Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics. She holds a M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in Bionanotechnologies from the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy, 2018-2020). Giulia has experience and knowledge in fabrication methods of micro and nanotechnologies, microfluidic devices and SERS applications.

Compute – Technical University of Denmark
WP4 – Artificial intelligence for DIM of chemical threats
WP5 – SERSing detection tools for first responders
Tommy Sonne Alstrøm
Bo Li
DTU Compute is Denmark’s largest environment for mathematics and computer science
Mathematics and computer science are in everything – from the artificial pancreas to the self-repairing computer through forecasts for surplus wind energy to Facebook and Google. IT and mathematics lay the foundations for what we can achieve, constituting he key technologies for our future digital society.
Hot topics today include Big data, 3D printing, or tiny sensors placed on clothes or inserted under the skin to measure how we feel and what we need, better foods or bespoke pharmaceuticals. All areas where DTU Compute is in the thick of things.
DTU Compute encompasses both in-depth theory and practical applications. This allows us to convert new ideas into innovative products and provide public sector consultancy – to the benefit of both the business community and public sector institutions.
We take on problems and challenges from other disciplines and position them in a virtual world where we can build models, perform calculations and run simulations. We can then relate the results from this work back to the real world and find solutions to a wide range of problems.
All engineering students have to spend some time at our department as a part of their programme at DTU. At the same time, we educate many engineers who go on to become specialists in precisely our academic fields. Together with our students, we create knowledge and innovation to help develop tomorrow’s society.
Coming soon
Bo Li is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technical University of Denmark. Her research focuses on advancing the existing statistical Raman spectral analysis using machine learning / deep learning algorithms, quantifying uncertainties in the predictions, and optimizing and deploying the model with respecting user privacy and confidentiality with federated learning.

WP2 – Plasmonic substrates for SERS
WP3 – Microfluidic SERS units for DIM of chemical threats in gas and liquids
Maria P Pina
Reyes Mallada
Miguel Urbiztondo
Sergio Gutierrez Rodrigo
Kissia B Ferreira
The University of Zaragoza (Unizar) is the main centre of technological innovation in the Ebro Valley. Unizar bases its principles on quality, solidarity and openness and aims to be an instrument of social transformation to drive economic and cultural development.
The research activity is channelled through the 222 research groups. At the Unizar, 2884 researchers work in 170 research groups. The Unizar has five own university institutes, four joint institutes and one affiliated institute.
Unizar is the fourth Spanish university in patent royalties. Besides the CEMINEM, a joint research centre with companies, which has a business incubator (CEMINEM SPINUP), Unizar also participates in the important action of creating companies with other entities (MIE and EXPLORER programmes). To date, 53 spin-off and start-up companies have been created.
Unizar also participates in four special scientific and technical infrastructures: the LSC (Canfranc Underground Laboratory), the LMA (Advanced Microscopy Laboratory), the CIBER (Centre for Network Biomedical Research) and the RES (Spanish Supercomputing Network).
The involved researchers belong to Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA. INMA is one of the joint research institutes (Unizar-CSIC). INMA carries out activities in the fields of Nanoscience and Materials following an interdisciplinary approach, within a framework of collaboration, research, training, transfer, and dissemination. It was created in 2020 from the merging of the former INA (2003) and ICMA (1985) institutes, respectively, leading to one of the largest research institutes in Nanoscience and Materials in Europe (276 members). The scientific production of INMA´s researchers has remained fairly stable, at 340 annual publications, over the 2015-2019 period. The quality of scientific production is noteworthy, measured by the percentage of publications in the top 25% of journals (% Q1), which has kept at around 81% over the course of the period from 2015 to 2019. INMA also provides doctoral specialization, research internships and projects for bachelor and master students, and postgraduate programs based on its specific research lines.
The Nanostructured Fimls & Particles (NFP) group was created in 2007 by researchers from different backgrounds, with the aim of concentrating efforts in the development and application of nanostructured materials. The NFP Group is one of the founding research groups at the INMA. The common thread linking the NFP research areas is the synthesis of nanomaterials in a multiplicity of shapes and structures. We are interested in the development of bottom-up methods that allow us to synthesize nanoscaled materials in a way that is both precise and scalable. Our synthesis procedures are designed to endow the final product with the properties required for the desired application.
The Quantum Materials and Devices group aims to develop novel superconducting X-ray space detectors and quantum information processors with hybrid devices by coupling magnetic molecules and superconducting circuits. It is also devoted to the study of quantum and classical nanophotonics and the optical properties of 2D materials.
Dr. Maria P Pina (mapina@unizar.es).
Professor with tenure in Chemical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza.
Scopus AU-ID: 7006376911; orcid.org/0000-0001-9897-6527.
Her research work pivots on two main lines of research: Microsystems in Chemical Engineering (membranes-pre-concentrators-reactors-sensors) that integrate coatings of micro and mesoporous materials; and New Detection Strategies based on Raman SERS spectroscopy in the areas of health, environment and homeland security. Deputy director (on acting capacity) of INMA “Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragon”, Vice-President of “IBERNAM: Spanish Network in Micro and Nanosystems”; Coordinator of Master Degree of the University of Zaragoza on “Nanostructured Materials for Applications in Nanotechnology”. She has participated in 42 (18 as PI) competitive research projects/contracts (at EU, national or regional level); and 9 (5 as PI) research contracts with private companies; supervised 12 PhD and 1 PhD thesis under supervision, co-author of more than 80 papers.
Scopus h- index = 21, Google scholar h-index= 23.
Dr. Reyes Mallada (rmallada@unizar.es).
Professor with tenure in Chemical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza.
Scopus AU ID: 6602521201; orcid.org/0000-0002-4758-9380.
Her main research topics are synthesis of nanostructured materials as powders and films or membranes, catalysis and adsorption. In the last three years she has been working in the development of SERS sensors for detection of chemical warfare agents. She has involved in the last 10 years in 25 research projects/contracts, among them 6 EU projects; supervised 10 PhD, co-author of 90 papers.
Scopus h- index = 23.
Dr. Miguel Urbiztondo (urbiz@unizar.es).
Associate professor at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Zaragoza.
Scopus Author ID: 14059158900; orcid.org/ 0000-0002-4931-1358.
His main research topic is focused on microdevices (gas microsensors and micro-preconcetrators): design, fabrication and validation. He is co-author of 29 papers.
Scopus h-index=12. Google scholar h-index: 13.
Dr. Sergio Gutierrez Rodrigo (sergut@unizar.es).
Associate professor at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Zaragoza.
Scopus Author ID: 15122810100; orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6575-168X.
Sergio has a Ph.D. degree in physics from the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain. He spent two years at The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, USA. His main interest is on theoretical electromagnetism in Nanophotonics. His main lines of research are related with the fundamentals of SERS, linear and non-linear effects in low dimensional systems (including 2D-materials), and artificial intelligence applied to Nanophotonics. He also participate in free-code iniciatives sharing part of his numerical tools (https://github.com/IrisFDTD). He has been involved in 25 research projects: 4 European and 6 national projects (one as PI). He is co-author of 46 articles, with several contributions in high-impact international journals like Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, ACS Nano and Nano Letters.
Scopus h-index = 24; Google scholar h-index = 26.
Kissia B Ferreira holds a MSc. in Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology by the University of Brasília (Brazil, 2018-2020). She has expertise in characterization of nanostructured glass substrates and plasmonic effect for SERS applications and molecule detection. She also has expertise in the biotechnology field (BSc. In Biotechnology). She possesses two published articles in the field of spectroscopy as first author, one being about Raman.

CINBIO – Universida de Vigo
WP2 – Plasmonic substrates for SERS detection
Isabel Pastoriza-Santos
Jorge Pérez-Juste
Ignacio Pérez-Juste
Sergio Gómez Graña
The Biomedical Research Center (CINBIO) is a member of the Singular Research Centres Network funding by Galician Government. It is one of the most outstanding centers at University of Vigo, carrying out an externally recognized and strongly supported research activity. Over 200 researchers are organized into 4 main areas of research: Molecular medicine, Nutrition and Wellness, Nanomaterials, Bio-statistics and Health informatics.
Our Mission
- To create and transfer knowledge and innovation in the biomedical field, under a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach.
- To raise funds and promote the development of a quality biomedical research center.
- To awake the curiosity of young researchers and also, attract the talent of consolidated researchers, who ensure the present and the future of the research we are developing now.
- To multiply the return to society, in the form of professionals, scientific findings, and knowledge transfer, to the industry, in the form of patents or spin-offs.
Our Aims
In accordance with Third Health Programme (2014-2020) and Estrategia Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Innovación 2013-2020 CINBIO has the following strategic objectives:
- Development of high-impact interdisciplinary research with the purpose of obtaining distinctions such as Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa or Unidade de Excelencia María de Maeztu.
- Increasing the production of scientific articles, an increase in the number of articles and the impact of magazines.
- Increasing the critical mass with the stabilization of groups, promoting and increasing the skills of researchers and technicians.
- Increasing the number of international patent licenses and the contracts revenues with companies.
- Improving our international presence, increasing collaborations and the strategic position in decision-making roles.
- Increasing funds with international, national and collaborations including private sector.
- Nominate a larger number of women to decision-making positions in commissions.
- Increasing the number of groups that are considered “Grupo de Investigación de Referencia Competitiva” by Xunta de Galicia.
Isabel Pastoriza-Santos (F) (Assoc. Prof., AU-ID: 6603491232, Scopus). Her research focuses on multiple aspects of nanoscience and plasmonics, including the synthesis of particles, experimental and theoretical study of plasmonic properties, as well as selfassembly. Her group has contributed to the development of platforms for ultrasensitive SERS detection and bioimaging. She has published >130 papers (H index is 60, with >13k citations, WOS); 7 ISI highly cited papers. ROLE: She will coordinate all tasks assigned to the UVIGO team besides she will work in the preparation of plasmonic substrates as well as their validation for SERS sensing.
Jorge Pérez-Juste (M) (Assoc. Prof., AU-ID: 6701720784, Scopus). His research focuses on synthesis of plasmonic-based materials for plasmon-enhanced applications such as SERS detection and imaging or photocatalysis. He has published >165 papers (H index 60, with >12.8k citations). ROLE: He will work in the surface modification of plasmonic nanoparticles with macrocycles or inorganic shell for molecular trapping and the analysis of the SERS performance of the plasmonic substrates.
Ignacio Pérez-Juste (M) (Assoc. Prof., AU-ID:6602473277) His research focuses on the use and developments of theoretical and computational methods for the study of problems of chemical interest. He is interested in the theoretical study of the Raman and SERS spectra of organic compounds adsorbed on metallic and graphene-type surfaces which can be used for sensing, as well as the molecular trapping on cavities or molecular affinity for metal surfaces. He has published about 40 papers (>70% Q1, h index = 13). ROLE: He will work in the simulation of the molecular trapping in different of inorganic and organic cavities or molecular affinity by metal surfaces.
Sergio Gómez Graña (M) (Post-doctoral Reseacher, AU-ID:36674767300)). His research focuses on synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of nanoparticles for various applications, as metamaterials, sensing substrates or drug delivery systems in cancer treatments. He has contributed to the development of novel microfuidic devices with integrated nanoparticles as ultrasensitive SERS platforms. He has published 20 papers, he has a H index of 12, with more than 1000 citations (WOS). ROLE: He will work in the synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles with size and shape control using wet chemical methods as well as in their assembly to fabricate the plasmonic platforms.
Sarah De Marchi (F) received her PhD degree in chemistry from the University of Vigo in 2019. Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher at CINBIO. Her research focuses on the synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles and metal organic frameworks for the development of platforms for ultrasensitive SERS detection and imaging. She has published 7 peer-reviewed papers and has a H index of 6. ROLE: She will work on the synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles using wet chemistry methods and their functionalization with porous materials, fabrication of substrates by different deposition methods and SERS characterization.

MESA+ Institute – University of Twente
WP2 – Plasmonic substrates for SERS detection
WP3 – Microfluidic SERS units for DIM of chemical threats in gas and liquids
Sonia Garcia Blanco
Niels Tas
Roald Tiggelaar
Arturo Susarrey-Arce
Erwin Berenschot
Lucas Kooijman
Marta Lafuente
Coming soon…
Prof. Dr. Sonia García Blanco obtained her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Glasgow (2003) in integrated optics for optical biosensors. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto, she spent almost 6 years working in an industrial research laboratory (INO in Québec City, Canada) where she led the photonic integration and wafer-level micropackaging internal research activities. She was project manager and technical coordinator in several external projects for the Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency and other private clients. She joined the faculty of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology of the University of Twente in August 2010 as assistant professor, to work towards the establishment of a research program in active integrated nanophotonic devices and plasmonics with applications in optical sensing and telecommunications within the Integrated Optical Micro-Systems Group (IOMS). Since January 2014, she leads the Integrated Optical Systems group. She is co-chair of the Integrated Optics conference at Photonics West since 2014 and symposium chair of the OPTO Symposium at Photonics West starting in 2021. She participates in technical committees of reputed international conferences such as CLEO-Europe, ECIO, IEEE GFP and ECOC. She is the chair of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter. In 2014, she was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant (RENOS- 648978) and became a partner of the Personalized Healthcare H2020 project GL
AM-634928). Prof. Dr. García-Blanco has authored and co-authored more than 49 refereed journal papers and over 100 confer
ence contributions in the field of integrated photonics, optical biosensors, plasmonics, photonics integration and packaging.
Niels Tas, who was originally trained as an Electrical Engineer, received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Twente (UT) in April 2000, on the topic of design and realization of MEMS linear electrostatic motors. In 2004 he was appointed as assistant professor at the Transducers Science and Technology group at the UT, and as an associate professor in 2010. In 2008 Niels Tas was awarded a NWO personal “Vidi” grant which he used to further develop new 3D-nanofabrication techniques for application in advanced scanning probe microscopy and beyond. Since 2014, he is working in the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group at the University of Twente, focusing on the development and employment of innovative 3D-nanofabrication techniques in the fields of nanofluidics, NEMS, nano-electronics and photovoltaics.
Roald Tiggelaar (1976) received his MSc in Electrical Engineering in 2000 and his PhD in 2004, both from the University of Twente. Afterwards he joined the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group as postdoctoral researcher. From mid-2010 to mid-2011 he was employed at iX-factory GmbH , Germany) as process and design-engineer. He then rejoined the University of Twente, where is currently a staffmember and researcher micro/nanotechnology at the MESA+ NanoLab cleanroom. His research interests include micro/nanofabrication and -fluidics, MEMS, materials science and development of novel top-down micro/nanofabrication techniques and applications in silicon and sapphire. He has (co-)authored more than 85 peer-reviewed papers (h-index = 20).
Arturo Susarrey-Arce completed his PhD at the University of Twente (UT). The focus of his work was on developing structured materials with applications in the field of energy, chemistry, and material sciences. After graduation, he worked as a research assistant in the open innovation hub for antimicrobial surfaces at the surface science research centre, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. He continued my research career as a research assistant at the Chalmers University of Technology, working in nanofabrication. He joined mesoscale chemical systems at UT as a researcher working on energy, chemistry, material sciences, and health.
Erwin Berenschot, BSc, is a senior clean room engineer at the University of Twente, Science and Technology Faculty. Berenschot has co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed papers (3364 citations, Scopus, excl. self-citations, h-index 30). His key-expertise includes all aspects of silicon based micro-nanomachining. In recent years he delivered key-contributions to the development of the UTwente 3D “crystallographic nanolithography” platform.
Lucas Kooijman received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente, Netherlands, in 2019. Alongside his education he also worked as a researcher in the BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip group, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente, and later in the Applied Microfluidics for BioEngineering Research (AMBER) group, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente, on a microfluidic system for creating and electroporation of artificial cell membranes or bilayer lipid membranes (BLM).
After getting his MSc degree, he worked as a researcher at the AMBER group working on the development of a tumor-on-a-chip microfluidic platform with integrated electrochemical sensors and later at the Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS) group, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente, focussing on controlled nanomachining of antibacterial nanostructures in titanium for medical applications.
Dr. Marta Lafuente
Scopus Author ID: 57194704704; orcid.org/0000-0003-2660-3726.
Marta holds a Ph.D in chemical engineering by the University of Zaragoza (Spain, 2016-2020). Her experience in research gathers expertise from nanotechnology and Raman-SERS Spectroscopy to synthesis and characterization of plasmonic nanoparticles and their assembly onto solid supports for detecting low concentration of toxic compound in gas and liquid phase. She is co-author of 11 peer-reviewed publications and se has 10 contributions to conferences.
Scopus h-index = 3; Google scholar h-index = 3.

WP5 – SERSing detection tools for first responders
Coming soon…
Coming soon…

Swedish Defence Research Agency
WP1 – Operational review in chemical
threats DIM, SERS technology
verification & proof of concept demonstrations
WP3 – Microfluidic SERS units for DIM of chemical threats in gas and liquids
WP6 – Project management & exploitation plan
Per Ola Andersson
Lars Lanström
Andreas Larsson
Pär Wästerby
Birgitta Liljedahl
Alexandra Johansson
FOI is an assignment-funded authority under the Ministry of Defence. The core activities are research, method and technology development and studies relating to defence, security and safety applications. The organisation employs around 950 people of whom the majority are scientists and research workers. This makes FOI the largest research institute in Sweden. FOI gives its customers access to world class expertise in a large number of fields such as defence and security policy studies and analyses, all kinds of threat assessment, systems for crisis management and control, the handling of hazardous substances and protection against them, IT security and the potential offered by new advanced sensors. FOI has many international contacts, customers and cooperation partners amongst foreign authorities, research institutes and companies. The Armed Forces and the Swedish Defence Material Administration are our main customers but we also have assignments from civil authorities and industry.
The Division of CBRN Defence and Security is focused on protection against threat agents and weapons of mass destruction. It provides support to the armed forces and civil authorities as the Swedish Police and the National Forensic Center.
FOI has a set of unique facilities and a long and broad experience in testing and evaluating security related products for both military and civilian customers.
FOI’s CBRN Defence and Security Division houses many of the country’s leading experts on chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear (CBRN) incidents together with experts for example on detection, decontamination and physical protection.
An upgraded sensitive confocal Raman microscope is in use, for example in hyperspectral imaging of contaminated surfaces and in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies.
Several handheld Raman instrumentations and multi wavelength laser lab set ups.
A custom made (UV) Raman system with adjustable laser wavelength is in use for stand-off (~1 m) detection experiments on live agents deposited on surfaces.
C-detection laboratory is mainly used for T/E of C detection instruments with live agents in gas phase.
Dr. Per Ola Andersson, is research director at FOI. Dr. Andersson, Ph. D. in physical chemistry, has more than 25 years of experience in applied spectroscopy. He is adjunct professor in applied spectroscopy at Uppsala University. At FOI he has actively been involved in science related to CB decontamination and CB detection since 2004, and currently he is head of the research group active in the field of Technical CBR-protection. He has more than 10 years’ experimental knowledge of using handheld IR and Raman instrumentations, for example for CWA detection, and he has published about 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers, many related to SERS detection. Dedicated time to the project ~35 %, primarily in WP 1-3. He will be highly involved in T/E of SERS components and whole systems, and he is supervising a Ph.D. student in the field of SERS detection.
Dr. Lars Landström (M) is currently a Deputy Research Manager at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) with a PhD in Materials Chemistry from Uppsala University 2003. Leader of the MoD funded CB-detection program at FOI CBRN Defence and Security. Research experience includes; applied optical spectroscopy and observation/modification of optical properties of different materials and structures (photonics and plasmonics). Vast experience, both experimental and theoretical, of various direct and indirect analysis and spectroscopic techniques, especially for sensor applications, including design and realization of custom optical systems. Experienced in synthesis of thin films and nano-objects via both chemical and physical deposition techniques as well as working in clean-room environments. Dr. Landström has published approximately 50 papers/proceedings in the above mentioned research areas. Mainly work in WP 1 and 3. ~25 %
Dr. Andreas Larsson is a scientist at FOI. Dr Larsson, Ph. D. in organic chemistry, has around 20 years of experience in synthetic organic chemistry, including post-doctoral training at University of Montreal and a tenure at Umeå University where he became associated professor in synthetic bioorganic chemistry, Jan 2014. He has good experience in supervising PhD/master/bachelor-students and post-doctoral scientists. He has since late 2014 been working at FOI as a synthetic organic chemist in the area of CBR-protection, where he is project manager for the main organic chemistry project and has published 20+ peer-reviewed scientific papers, book chapters and patents. His main task will be to develop functionalization protocols in WP2, and dedicated time to the project is about 20 %. Dr in physics (2019) with experience applied spectroscopy and vapour detection.
Tech. Lic. Pär Wästerby is a Scientist at FOI. Lic. Wästerby, Lic. in biophysical chemistry, is skilled in several spectroscopic techniques suitable for detecting chemical and biological warfare agents and multivariate statistical methods for further analysis. He has been working at FOI since 2001 in improving detection techniques for CWA and BWA. He has knowledge in the latest research and development in the field of CWA Detection thought participation in several EU and EDA driven research programs. He is well experienced in performing Test & Evaluation of detection instruments, as well as organizing open field trials. He has also a very good understanding of the user needs from supporting the Armed Forces. He is currently supporting the crew on the Oil and Chemical Recovery Vessel KBV003 (Amfitrite)/Swedish Coast Guard and National CBRN Detection Specialists at the Swedish Contingency Agency.
Senior analyst Birgitta Liljedahl is deployed at FOI since 1996, MSc in geology, additional environmental and intelligence studies, with key focus on operative support to civilian and military organizations regarding environmental-, health and CBRN threats in operations, national and abroad. For 15 years, she has been project manager for Medical intelligence support to the Swedish Armed Forces, run several EU-, UN- and national projects, produced around 100 reports and run numerous workshops, with special focus on scenario development, more lately, serious gaming with VR as a tool for e-learning and dissemination of knowledge.
Dr. Alexandra Johansson is a scientist at FOI. Dr. Johansson has a Ph. D. in experimental physics from Umeå University 2018, which focused on laser-based spectroscopy for trace gas detection. She has both experimental and theoretical experience in optics and spectroscopy, through technical development of optical systems and analytical modelling of spectroscopic signatures, and she has published ~20 peer-reviewed scientific papers/proceedings in the research area. Dr. Johansson has been working at FOI in the department for hazard protection since 2019, mainly involved in science related to BC-detection based on various spectroscopic techniques. She will be involved in the SERS detection activities and dedicated time in the project is ~20%.

National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection
Czech Republic
WP1 – Operational review in chemical threats DIM, SERS technology verification & proof of concept demonstrations
Adam Bosák
Martin Urban
Michal Dymák
National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection (SUJCHBO) is a Public research institution established by the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) acting as a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision of nuclear safety, Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
In general, SUJCHBO is a highly specialized facility dealing with almost all aspects of CBRN Issues. As a public research institution, its scope is divided into main, secondary and other activities.
The main activities of the Institute cover applied research and development relating to the study of CBRN agents and their properties, with the objective to extend general knowledge and practical tools applicable in the field of detection, identification, protection, decontamination, disposal and mitigation of their impact on human, environment and critical infrastructure. The institute actively participates in national, European or international security projects.
The Secondary activities are related to the providing of professional technical, information or analytical assistance for state bodies and local governments, Law enforcement agencies or Fire and rescue service in the case of emergency situations. As a member of the Czech Integrated Rescue System, it can provide information and technical support, Emergency response team or Mobile laboratories. Scientific advisors are part of the decision-making process in most emergency cases related to hazardous materials and CBRN agents.
SUJCHBO specialists also provide a technical assistance during inspections in connection with Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention or on a request to activities of international organizations (OPCW, IAEA etc.)
For external entities, state and/or private sectors originating, both domestic and foreign, SUJCHBO provides:
- analyses and expert opinions;
- testing, verification and evaluation of detection equipment, personal and collective protective equipment, decontamination systems or disposal;
- education and training courses in the CBRN issues.
Mr. Adam Bosák is educated in analytical chemistry, military toxicology, radiobiology, and CBRN Consequence management. He graduated at University of South Bohemia (JČU) in Population Protection with focus on CBRNE and Crisis management.
Adam has over 10 years of experience as a military analytical chemist operated in a Deployable NBC Analytical laboratory. He became highly qualified NATO SIBCRA Scientific Advisor. Currently, he works at SUJCHBO as a Scientific researcher at the Laboratory of Toxic compounds. His work is mainly focused on applied research and development in connection with CWC related Toxic chemicals in the field of detection, sampling, sample preparation and extraction techniques and identification using GC/MS, Raman and FTIR spectrometry.
Based on his experience, he is a member of the Validation group for updating the OPCW Central Analytical Database (OCAD). In connection with other activities, Adam is a supervisor and lead instructor of the CBRN Advisory and Training team (SUJCHBO CBRN-ATT) where he is specialized in Initial Operational Response to a CBRN Incident, Characteristics and effects of CBRN hazards or Emergency planning and preparedness.
Mr. Martin Urban (male) graduated in Chemistry of Organic Technologies at University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. In 2001 he joined National Institute for NBC Protection (SUJCHBO), currently is in the position of the Head of Chemical Protection Department.
He works as a specialist in CBRN R&D focused on testing and evaluation of protective equipment/procedures, toxic chemicals (including CWA’s) sampling and processing, their
detection and ways of decontamination. He has broad experience with GC-MS analytical techniques and other instrumental techniques focused on detection and identification of organic compounds. Martin is actively involved in international and national CBRN research projects.
Mr. Michal Dymák (male) is educted as ecotoxicologist in Masaryk University in Brno. Since 2012 he works in SUJCHBO as a researcher. He is also responsible person for Large Volume Testing Facility which is part of Chemical Protection Department.
Professionally, he is involved mainly in detection and decontamination approaches and procedures as a part of various testing campaigns or as a part of training courses. He has 5 years experience in various national and international CBRN R&D project mainly focused on public security and protection.